2011年3月30日 星期三

文章轉貼:Maintaining Patient Monitors

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Maintaining Patient Monitors (原文24x7 Blog)

A recent report in the Boston Globe examined patient alarms in hospitals and the various problems concerning them. Chief among these issues was incessant alarms—critical and otherwise—that hospital staffs ignore because of their overwhelming quantity. To wit, the article notes,

“On a 15-bed unit at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, staff documented an average of 942 alarms per day — about 1 critical alarm every 90 seconds.”


According to the article, “Some studies have found more than 85% of alarms are false, meaning that the patient is not in any danger.

Over time this can make nurses less and less likely to respond urgently to the sound.” In response, some hospitals have begun tweaking the programming of monitors to avoid these unnecessary alarms and saving staff from what it refers to as “alarm fatigue.” Other solutions include daily checks on monitors to ensure proper functionality, as well as daily replacement of monitor batteries.


The article also cites biomedical engineers that claim hospital staff have, “disconnected monitor speakers, taped over them, and turned down volume, all to escape the constant noise.”


What steps do you/your hospital take to ensure the proper functionality of patient monitors? How frequently do you service these monitors in order to ensure patient safety?


In addition, the Boston Globe enlisted the ECRI Institute to analyze much of the FDA data on the patient monitoring systems. In honor of National Patient Safety Awareness Week—March 6 through March 12, 2011—the ECRI Institute is offering a free download of the full risk analysis, "Clinical Alarms.”

除此之外,the Boston Globe在國家病人病全週(National Patient Safety Awareness Week),從2011,3/6~3/12,引用了ECRI對FDA對Monitor的資料分析,同時也提供免費下載有關"臨床警報分析Clinical Alarms"

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

先生您好,我想請問您關於IV PUMP的問題,型號是泰爾茂的TE-112,管路接好後會一直警報(管路有接好),把警報關起來不久又一直叫,我的判斷是阻塞或者DROP SENSOR有問題這個問題我上網都找不到資料,所以我想聽您的意見,hamos14@yahoo.com.tw

Janus Chang 提到...

Terumo的TE-112一直警報,不知道有沒有顯示Error Code還是有其他的徵像呢...可以多提供一些,以方便建議。如果方便的話,可以將問題po到醫工論壇(http://bme.freebbs.tw)會有更多的同好可以互相提供意見。