2012年8月14日 星期二

Joson-Care ES-05HD電動床無法動作

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)
名稱: Joson-Care ES-05HD電動床無法動作
故障原因:電流迴路設計需要加強,導致TL494CN燒焦、 ULN2003APG功能故障、其中一顆繼電器(Relay)功能故障







2012年8月10日 星期五

DR攝影系統條碼機(Barcide reader)無法讀取

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)
名稱: DR攝影系統條碼機(Barcide reader)無法讀取
故障情形:條碼機(Barcide reader)故障更換

這次的系統處理,也算是偏IT面的處理,特別是現在很多設備都使用條碼機(Barcide reader)來讀取診單上的資訊,所以條碼機(Barcide reader)故障時,真的會造成使用單位的困擾。

條碼機(Barcide reader)其實很耐操,基本上設計是跟鍵盤(Keyboard)同一種介面及傳輸方式,所以早期的條碼機(Barcide reader)都是以PS2介面跟鍵盤(Keyboard)並接就可以使用了,不需要特別的驅動程式(Driver)。

但現在,USB介面普及了,所以就慢慢都改為USB了,因為一般win98後都有內建USB的介面驅動,所以在win98後使用USB的條碼機(Barcide reader),應該都沒什麼太大的問題。

偏偏就是6年前的DR用的是Windows NT(widnows 2000的前身),NT是不支援USB的,而且也沒法外掛再加上USB的Driver,所以雖然有USB硬體,但軟體是沒法讀取USB的資料內容。
這可讓我們吃足了苦頭,剛開始沒注意到這個OS上的差異,拿了許多的條碼機(Barcide reader)去試,都看到燈亮了,掃瞄也會有聲響,就是沒法在螢幕上看到資料,最後,注意到原來的線是PS2的線,才想到了OS的差異,趕緊連絡條碼機(Barcide reader)廠商,他們也沒這種經驗,不過至少還有ps2的專用線,很大方,還先寄來試用,不合可以退,在颱風天的前夕真的感覺到很溫馨呢。
換了ps2的線,記得條碼機(Barcide reader)也是要再設定成ps2的模式,一般在條碼機(Barcide reader)的說明書都會有設定控制碼,很簡單,嗶它一下就OK了。哈....
記得如果您家的設備是NT base,記得USB是不支援的,別浪費力氣了。

2012年8月9日 星期四


(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)
故障情形:印表機HP2015n 無法列印
故障原因:印表機HP2015n 主機板網路功能故障

這次的處理經驗得要先從GE APEXPRO系統的架構說起,Apexpro是架構在Windows XP Embedded版本的軟體,俗稱 XPe ,一開始沒注意到,就吃足了苦頭,以一般的XP想法下去處理,總是怪怪的,還好是GE工程師提醒,這是Embedded版本,才再重新思考對策。

進了Apexpro的Administrator模式後,接上usb連上 HP2015n,找到了硬體,但是沒Driver,所以要另外掛上USBPRINT,sys的driver,因為Embedded版本有支援USB,很自然的,就拿了個隨身碟,接上去,也很順利的找到了,但是一點內容,卻讀不到!為了這個問題足足一天都在找相關資料,後來GE工程師說,會不會是要格式化成NTFS才可以,他也不是很確定;但至少是一個方法吧。
最後,再回到apexpro上,掛了HP2015n (usb)也找到了硬體,終於讀得到隨身碟的內容,也安裝OK了,結果還是沒印出來!原來,原本的HP2015n的port仍在TCP/IP 要改成USB的port才可以,改好了,yes,正常列印了。

總結...windows embedded版本可支援USB 隨身碟,但需格化成NTFS格式;印表機安裝好後,記得要改變port到USB。
這次算是純IT手段解決掉這次的問題了。所以各位夥伴,在現今pc base的醫療儀器環境下,對於PC相關的知識還是要多多涉獵,有問題可以到網路(我習慣用Google)找尋參考相關的解決方法,應該會有不少的收獲哦。

2012年8月3日 星期五

Stryker X7000光源機無輸出

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)
名稱: Stryker X7000光源機無輸出
故障情形:No outpou
故障原因:高壓振盪線路蕭特基二極體(schottky diode50SQ100)打穿


這次算是接力賽,同樣型號的又是power故障,因為這次有示波器可以Q,所以請同事多費點心,再Q一次,結果量到最後,發現蕭特基二極體(Schottky diode)編號(50SQ100 5A/100V)打穿了,拆下來,真的是短路了,所以這個diode所造的故障的可能性就很高了,再回頭拿以前的故障板,一量,哈...也是一樣的故障點。

一級召修 Respironics, Inc., Trilogy 100, 200, and 202 Ventilators

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)

Trilogy 100  衛署醫器輸字第020619號  嘉杏股份有限公司
Trilogy 100  衛署醫器輸字第021289號  嘉杏股份有限公司

Trilogy 200 衛署醫器輸字第021689號  亞靖儀器有限公司
Trilogy 202 衛署醫器輸字第022329號  台灣飛利浦股份有限公司

Respironics, Inc., Trilogy 100, 200, and 202 Ventilators

Recall Class: Class I

Date Recall Initiated: April 27, 2012

Products: Trilogy 100, 200, and 202 Ventilators

Model/Catalog Numbers: 1032800, 1040004, 1040007, 1054096, 1054260, CA1032800, R1040004, R1054655, and 1045151.
These ventilators were manufactured from January 1, 2012 through April 27, 2012 and distributed from March 1, 2012 through May 1, 2012.
Use: The Trilogy 100, 200, and 202 ventilators are intended for continuous or intermittent breathing support for patient populations ranging from pediatric patients, weighing at least 11 pounds, to adult patients. The ventilators are used in hospitals, nursing homes, other health care settings, and in the home.

Recalling Firm: Respironics, Inc
1001 Murry Ridge Lane
Murrysville, Pennsylvania 15668-8517

Reason for Recall: The Trilogy 100, 200, and 202 ventilators are being recalled because power supply components may be defective in some cases. If a ventilator's power supply fails, the ventilator may unexpectedly stop functioning, thereby stopping ventilation. The ventilator alarm may also fail to sound. Ventilator power supply failures can result in serious adverse health consequences, including death.

Public Contact: Affected customers may contact Respironics Customer Service at 1-877-387-3311.

FDA District: Philadelphia District Office

FDA Comments:
On Friday, April 27, 2012, Respironics, Inc. began contacting their affected U.S. customers by phone. The firm requested customers to quarantine any affected devices within their possession and to retrieve any devices with patients and quarantine those as well. The company will provide replacement devices to all affected customers. In the time period prior to Respironics replacing the device, the patient's health care providers should provide an alternative device.
Class I recalls are the most serious type of recall and involve situations in which there is a reasonable probability that use of these products will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.

Health care professionals and consumers may report adverse reactions or quality problems they experienced using these products to MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program1 either online, by regular mail or by FAX.

2012年8月2日 星期四

一級召修 CareFusion Alaris System (IV Pump)

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)


Carefusion Alaris System(IV Pump)原廠

AUDIENCE: Risk Manager, Critical Care Medicine
ISSUE: FDA notified healthcare professionals of a Class I Recall of the Alaris PC unit, model 8015. A component on the PC unit power supply board is causing an error code (120.4630): "System Error" or "Missing Battery Error" to occur. The error code is accompanied by both an audible alarm and a visual error message on the PC unit screen. If the error code occurs at start-up, the Alaris infusion pump cannot be programmed and this may cause a delay in patient therapy. If the error code occurs during infusion, the health care provider cannot make programming changes to current infusions, and this may result in serious injury and/or death to the patient.

BACKGROUND: The Alaris PC unit, model 8015 is part of the Alaris electronic infusion pump. Electronic infusion pumps deliver controlled amounts of medications or other fluids to patients through intravenous (IV), intra-arterial (IA), epidural, and other acceptable routes of administration.

RECOMMENDATION: On June 27, 2012, CareFusion sent an Urgent Medical Device Recall Notice to customers who purchased the Alaris PC unit, model 8015. CareFusion will contact customers by phone within 60 days of receiving the letter to schedule a visit to replace the affected power supply board on the PC unit.
  • If the error messages are observed, remove the PC unit from use and contact the CareFusion Recall Support Center at             1-888-562-6018      .
  • For clinical areas administering high-risk infusions, consider having additional devices as back-up until affected devices are remediated.
Healthcare professionals and patients are encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of these products to the FDA's MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program:
  • Complete and submit the report Online: www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm
  • Download form or call             1-800-332-1088       to request a reporting form, then complete and return to the address on the pre-addressed form, or submit by fax to 1-800-FDA-0178

[08/01/2012 - Recall Notice - FDA]