2012年7月24日 星期二

YUYAMA CPX-30自動包藥機 燒焦味

(http://bme.freebbs.tw  醫學工程論壇同步發表 )

名稱: YUYAMA CPX-30自動包藥機 


研究了一下板子,再對照手冊,雖然都是日文,但是從線路圖看來應該是relay控制電源,TRIAC控制溫度。這次有焦味,會不會是TRIAC沒法控制呢,拆了RELAY及TRIAC ,果然,TRIAC 的DS腳己經短路,這應該是焦味的主因吧,但是這顆TRIAC上的編號只寫NEC 08D,找半天也沒有,後來從NEC TRIAC類去找,才找到類似的編號,原來是600V/8A,沒有一様的,找了手上現有的600V/12A代用吧。

請同事幫忙把包藥機推回來測試,初步看來不錯,加熱的燈號及量測的電壓值都配合得上,再來就是看會不會適度的控溫了,試了幾個小時,OK,省$$是一回事,爽度無限 ^_^。

2012年7月23日 星期一

一級召修 CareFusion EnVe Ventilators

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)


原廠公告 EnVe™ Ventilator Customer Letter

Recall Class: Class I

Date Recall Initiated: June 19, 2012

Product: EnVe Ventilators
The EnVe ventilators were manufactured from December, 2010 through January, 2012 and distributed from December, 2010 through May, 2012.
Use: The EnVe ventilator is intended for continuous breathing support for the care of newborns through adult patients who require mechanical ventilation. These ventilators are used in hospitals and other health care facilities.

Recalling Firm: CareFusion, Inc.
3750 Torrey View Court
San Diego, California 92130

Reason for Recall: A leak may occur in the patient breathing circuit or the system, resulting in the ventilator not holding the set Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) value either intermittently or continuously. The device will activate both audible and visual alarms to notify the health care professional that ventilation delivery to the patient may be compromised. This product may cause serious adverse health consequences, including death.

Public Contact: Customers may contact CareFusion Customer Service at 1-800-554-8933.

FDA District: Minneapolis District Office

FDA Comments:
On June 19, 2012, the firm sent an "Urgent Product Recall" letter to their customers with a return receipt. The letter included the required action for the firm's customers to take.
If ventilation resumes after an intermittent leak and the audible alarm stops, the firm directs users to clear the alarm indicator on the ventilator display by entering the Alarm Messages tab and pushing the alarm reset to clear the display. If the ventilator has a continuous leak and normal ventilation does not resume, the firm directs users to provide an alternate method of ventilation to the patient. The firm instructs users to constantly monitor ventilator dependent patients to ensure that if a malfunction occurs, alternate ventilation can be provided.
The firm said it would contact its customers within 10 days to coordinate implementation of corrective action.
Class 1 recalls are the most serious type of recall and involve situations in which there is a reasonable probability that use of these products will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.
Health care professionals and consumers may report adverse reactions or quality problems they experienced using these products to MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program1 either online, by regular mail or by FAX.

Additional Links:

2012年7月19日 星期四

Philips IE33 PowerPack 拆解 (己換新品,未完修)

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)
名稱: Philips IE33 PowerPack 拆解
故障情形:No outpou
接續上次 Philips Envisor的環境原因,IE33也是一樣,Powerpack掛了,把IE33的PowerPack拆開看看,到底是哪有問題。
一組供應12V (ASTEC廠牌 MP6-3L-0M)
一組供應3.3V~15V(ASTEC廠牌 MP6-1Z-1F-1F-1W-4NN-0M(-711))-->還真長的型號>_<。

這種Powerpack也是很複雜,看來也不是Philips自己的,是OEM的(Astec是美國Emerson的子公司專作電源供應器,在電子界是大廠),所以在美國有人專門在修這類的超音波設備,包括這個Power(Summit Imaging

在對岸的網站有找到IE33 Service manual (豆丁網),可惜沒這個power的線路圖,只有大概介紹的內容,外表看都很正常,一堆螺絲跟接線,做得很緊密,算是手軟朋,不想拆了,真的又是只能擲烙鐵長嘆,把拆解圖貼上來,提供有興趣的人參考,如果真有夥伴,有機會完修,希望提供經驗造福一下大家。                      

2012年7月18日 星期三

Philips Envisor PowerPack 拆解 (己換新品,未完修)

(http://bme.freebbs.tw 醫學工程論壇同步發表)
名稱: Philips Envisor PowerPack 拆解
故障情形:No output

就是因為這樣,常常電源的不穩就會造成PowerPack就掛了,有時還直接損到機板,這真的讓人很難理解,怎會一路壞上去呢,有時換新的PowerPack後沒多久,就換機板掛了,換這些真的很心疼,所以為了預防這種問題的發生,我們跟Philips一同討論後,重新規劃Online UPS及獨立接地的方式,看能不能減少PowerPack及機板的損傷。

這種Powerpack真的很複雜,看來也不是Philips自己的,是OEM的(TECTROL廠牌 TC69M-1367),很難拆,一堆螺絲跟接線,做得很緊密,再加上是smd及沒線路圖,只能從元件外觀去判斷。